Wann war Musik fuer dich notwendig?

Mitten in der Pandemie wurde meine Großmutter beerdigt, die Zeremonie fand im Wald statt. Eine Sängerin und eine Altflöte musizierten, mir wurde in diesem Moment wie noch nie bewusst, wie sehr Musik wichtig ist. Es war ein Trostanker, aber auch ein Angebot Emotionen freizulassen, ein Raum zum verarbeiten. Das Zuhören und Singen hatte eine tiefe Verbundenheit hinterlassen.

L. Verheyden 

Für mich hat Musik nach der Geburt meines Sohnes, auf einmal eine ganz neue Bedeutung bekommen. Musik hören, singen und spielen hat sich zu einer wichtigen Form von Kommunikation entwickelt, die sehr viel Freude bringt. 

Cécile M. 

I was born on a Sunday. The following week I was taken to church by my parents and I’ve attended church on most Sundays ever since. The sound of church organs and choirs has been an integral part of my cultural make up for years and the annual cycle of church music punctuates my day to day life.

On Christmas Day 2020 I played the organ for a Christmas Day service in which singing was not allowed. It was an extraordinary experience to be present in a room full of so many people who all desperately wanted to sing and celebrate this great Christian festival day but who chose to remain silent for the safety of those around them.

The solo organ music I was allowed to play sounded stale and almost callous because it wasn’t the communal, shared, roof-raising experience everyone craved.

For all who attended it was a poignant occasion indeed. But for me as a musician, it was also a stark reminder of the cultural and political freedoms we usually take for granted. It made me think about what it must feel like to be a musician who is censored or silenced and, in that uncomfortable silence at Christmas, I offered up a thought to my colleagues Afghanistan for whom the new year would be bring a far more foreboding silence.


I find myself coming back to familiar music when I’m anxious. I find the familiarity comforting. It’s not always the same pieces of music but I always play music or songs that I know well.

I sometimes wonder what music would be played as a soundtrack to my life. Like, if it was a really boring feature film what sort of music would be playing quietly in the background. Film music has such a powerful effect on drama and you often notice it more when it is absent in films/TV.

Charlie N. 

Music is a lot of things

To me.

It's compassion

and connection.

On occasion

been protest too.

Pure focus.

Not often enough these days.

A language learning assistant, definitely.

A late revelation of past mistakes sometimes.

What else?

It's been a joy to discover

through someone else's eyes.

A child, my child, better musical ears at four

Than I ever had

Or perhaps just more attentive.

More focussed.

(There it is again).

What else?

Fun. It's been fun.

Concerts. Shared joy.


(There that is again too).


Focus singular, uninterrupted focus.

I never knew that that's what I was doing

All those years ago.

Meditating before my time.

One day again

I hope

If I can make time

To listen.

K. Schulz