Well, it looks like I’m going then. I’ve been glued to the live departures website at Heathrow for the last week, constantly checking if my flight is really going to take off. But my bag has just been checked in with a bright orange heavy sticker, my hand-luggage has been rifled through, and I’m sitting in the departure lounge with three sparrows for company. So I guess this is it.
It’s a funny time to try and move country - I’d be the first to admit that. Although there may be more live music happening in Germany than here, the industry is still in global crisis whatever country you pick. I suppose it’s just a matter of choosing where to ride out the storm. Perhaps it would have made more sense to stay in the country where I have some contacts, and some chance of employment…
But what’s that mysterious ticking noise?
Ah yes, Brexit.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling a bit angry with my home country right now. Leave aside that two weeks ago our government was promising rapid mass-testing by Christmas so we could get people back into theatres (that went well), they are also about to close the door of opportunity through which so many have enjoyed free passage over the last 47 years. I want to keep that door open a little bit longer. It may be that I have to eventually accept there isn’t anything for me on the other side of that door, but I’m going to go and have a good nose around before I lock it and throw away the key.
If this is to be where I keep a record of my adventures in the coming months, I need to make a promise not to veer into politics too often. So, from hereon, the above will be referred to as The Rant in all future posts. If I mention The Rant, you can imagine your own concoction of Brexit/Covid/insert-grievance-here bitterness.
But now to brighter things. Opportunity, exploration, hope. Auf Wiedersehen.